The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 661 of 728

For example, here are Names of God, who do not describe him precisely, or highlight the majesty and sovereignty of God.

The word God of Germanic origin means “the infinitely good”.

Elohim: Means: “Creator God, strong and powerful”. El Shaddaï: Means “Almighty God”. Adonaï: Means “Lord”. Jehovah: Means “the Lord”. Yahve: Means “the Eternal”. El-Elohe: Means “Powerful, strong and preeminent God”. Awoon: This Name of God in Aramaic means “Our Universal Father”. Allah: Means “He who gives life”.

There are a considerable number of Names of God in India. Besides the Vedas, the original holy scriptures, “the true gospel”, written in Sanskrit, there are Names of the Supreme Person, which best describe him. In fact, the Vedic texts, the Vedas, offer all mankind a precise and detailed knowledge of God, the Supreme Person. For example, we find some of the Holy Names of God:

Bouddha: Means “Being perfectly enlightened”. Hayagriva: Means “Servant of God”. Vasudeva: Means “The one who is everywhere”. Govinda: Means “the source of pleasure for holy beings”. Adhokshaja: means “the Lord is beyond the reach of the senses and experimental knowledge”. Rama: Means “inexhaustible source of all joy”. Hari : Means “He who relieves his devotee from the sufferings of material existence. It removes obstacles in the way of devotional service”. Mukunda: Means “He who gives absolute liberation and bliss”. Paramesvara: Means “The Supreme Master”. Rsabhadeva: means “the Sovereign Lord”. Ananta: Means “the unlimited, the infinite, the immeasurable”. Krishna: Means “the infinitely fascinating”.

The Name Krishna means “the infinitely fascinating” and “the ultimate source of all energies”. Such a title can only designate one who possesses in their fullness the power, the beauty, the wealth, the celebrity, the knowledge and the renunciation. This is why Krishna is called “the Supreme Person”, because He enjoys all these excellences.

The divine Names that we already know therefore only reveal a fragment of his greatness, while that of Krishna, which perhaps seems more exotic to us, shows God in all his glory.

This is the name of God par excellence.

Although his original Name is Krishna, God has an inconceivable number of Names in according to his activities, which are of limitless diversity.





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