The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 634 of 728

Logos 387

The spiritual soul, because it has incarnated in a body of matter, human, animal or vegetable, is conditioned by matter and by maya, the delusional energy of the Lord. The conditioning of the soul dates back to time immemorial.

The conditioned soul, due to its prolonged contact with matter and its successive existences in this world, has developed, out of habit, an instinctive tendency to want to dominate material energy. So, when she obtains a human form, she has no awareness of the responsibility that falls to her. The human form is indeed an opportunity for it to escape the clutches of illusory matter, and the Words and Teachings of God are particularly intended to guide it towards the Supreme Lord, in his original abode. Reincarnating in an endless cycle through the various living species, 8,400,000 in total, corresponds to the imprisonment of the separate fallen, doomed soul. The human form offers him the opportunity to escape this imprisonment.

Man's only concern must therefore be to restore his lost relationship with God. In this perspective, no one should ever be encouraged to act for the satisfaction of the senses under the pretext of performing some religious activity. Such misappropriation of human energy only results in leading society astray. Let us understand that the various forms of material pleasures can only seriously hinder the spiritual progress of men, because they will refuse to renounce material actions, which keep them prisoners of matter.

The perfection of existence cannot be reached by excessive labor, by the accumulation of wealth or by the multiplication of offspring, but by the sole renunciation of material pleasures, the pleasures of the senses, and materialism in all its forms. The first necessity for man is to realize the eternal relationship which unites him to the Lord, in order, without further delay, to surrender himself to Him.

Logos 388

Material prosperity, which is in truth an obstacle to spiritual realization, results in being born into a noble family and possessing great wealth, higher education and attractive physical traits.

All materialists burn with the desire to acquire this prosperity considered as the basis of material civilization. But these various ephemeral assets intoxicate the one who




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