The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 612 of 728

The Lord being the rightful beneficiary of all that exists inside and outside the material cosmos, how pleasant it is to serve under his divine authority. The ultimate perfection of existence is to seek to serve the Lord with love and devotion, He the source of absolute bliss and the fountain of sublime blessings.

The Lord said: Besides the soul, there is in the body another occupant who is its supreme owner. It sanctions and supervises all the activities of the body but remains at a spiritual and absolute level. He who understands that the Supreme Soul is, in all bodies, the constant companion of the individual soul, and that both are imperishable, he sees the truth.

The Blessed Lord adds: He does not there is really nothing that exists outside of Me, that is what you must clearly understand.

Any appearance of truth from which I am absent is within My energy of illusion, for nothing can exist without Me. It is only a simple imitation, like a pale reflection of light in the shadow, because in the light there is neither darkness nor reflection.

There is no other existence than this of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Nothing exists but He, and He alone, the only Living Being there is.

We are all, in truth, spiritual souls, minute fragments and integral parts of the very Person of God, the Sovereign Being.

People seek to satisfy their desires, believing in this way that they know the happiness. Alas, they ignore that they will only be happy by fully obeying the Lord's directions. Krishna comes in person to pray to the incarnate living being to renounce his material desires and to act according to his directives. Verily, it is only with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and through His contact alone, that we will know true absolute, uninterrupted and everlasting happiness.

Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is the Sovereign Being, the final abode, the Sovereign Purifier, the Absolute Truth and the Eternal Divine Person. He is the Primordial, Original and Absolute Being. He is the unborn, his own origin and the all-pervading beauty. He is the ultimate goal of existence, the ultimate rest, the abode of infinite spiritual qualities, the Supreme Master and the Supreme Actor. He is Goodness Personified, Absolute Good, and the source of all enlightenment.

The Sovereign Lord is the source of all knowledge, all power, all strength, all opulence and all influence. There are no limits to his powers. As He is rich in all divine attributes, nothing that is abominable in the material universe can exist in Him. He is transcendent and spiritual, so that conceptions of material happiness and




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