The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 544 of 728

Now, when we worship Krishna, the Supreme Lord, the heavenly beings who are members of the Lord's body, thus receive our veneration; it is therefore no longer necessary to worship them individually. Thus, the devotees of the Lord, those who follow the path of the conscience of God, eat only the food offered to Krishna. By doing so, it is spiritually that they nourish their bodies. Not only are all the consequences of their guilty acts reduced to nothing, but their bodies become immune to any form of material contamination. In an epidemic people are vaccinated to immunize them against the germ; so when one takes food first offered to the Lord in Visnu, the full offshoot of Krishna, one can resist all attacks of material energy. The devotee of the Lord, or sage, is the one who always does this. In this way, the conscious man of God, who eats only the food offered to Krishna, can erase all the consequences of his bad relationships with matter and clear access to the path of spiritual realization.

On the other hand, those who do not continue to increase the volume of their guilty acts, and thus prepare another body, like that of a dog or a pig, where they will have to undergo the consequences of their sins. Material energy is the source of all contamination, but that which immunizes the food offered to Visnu, escapes its attacks, all others are victims, without recourse. Various plant foods, cereals, fruits, vegetables, etc. make up human food, but the animal eats grass and certain plants in addition to the waste products. Humans who eat animal flesh therefore also depend on the production of plant food. That’s why we have to learn to live more from the land than from our factories. The earth, to produce, needs rains, which are under the control of Indra, and also of the Moon, the Sun, etc., who are all servants of the Lord; we must therefore please the Lord by offering Him sacrifices, so as not to meet the famine. This is the natural law. This is why we must make sacrifices, and especially hum the song of the Holy Names of Krishna, recommended for the present age, if only to protect us against a lack of food.

Logos 320

The Lord says: “Under the influence of the three gunas (the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance), the soul led astray by the false ego believes to be the author of its acts, when in reality they are performed by nature.”

Two people, one conscious of Krishna, God, and the other not, may seem to act on the same level, but the difference is immeasurable. The materialist remains convinced, under the influence of the false ego (identification with the body,




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