The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 537 of 728

Logos 308

It is recommended to those who want to progress towards a higher spirituality, to abandon all envy with regard to other living beings and all materialistic attraction in thought, in words or in actions. There is no religion superior to this principle.

Thanks to the awakening of their spiritual knowledge, those who have an intelligent conception of sacrifice, who really know the religious principles and who are free from material desires, master their being thanks to the fire of spiritual knowledge, or knowledge of Absolute Truth , God. Intelligent and sincere people are dedicated to seeking God and finding the purpose of life. Put an end to the miseries of repeated birth and death once and for all and return to your original home with God. Anyone who cultivates knowledge for this purpose is considered to be of a higher level than that which is devoted to the selfish, materialistic, ephemeral activities which hold on to the living being, (the soul) prisoner of this world of suffering.

Anyone who truly knows spiritual principles has no hatred or envy for all human beings, all animals and all plants, without exception. This is what “means to love your next”.

Logos 309

The LORD Supreme said: “It does not matter that you are in the material universe. You must always, continually, listen attentively to the teachings and messages that emanate from My Person, and always absorb yourself in Me by thought, because I am the Supreme Soul (also called the Holy Spirit) who lives in deeper in the heart of each being. So give up any interested action and worship Me”.

What has been intended for us by the Supreme Lord, for ourselves, for others or for all at once, cannot be undone anywhere and by anyone, be it a celestial being , a demonic being, a human being or anyone else. The Supreme Lord, Krishna, is One. He multiplies in innumerable personal manifestations, which direct all that exists. Whatever our plans, the plans of many together, the Lord has already decided what should happen. No plan will work unless it is approved by the Lord. We are free to design various designs, but unless they are approved by the Sovereign Lord, God, they will never come true. All kinds of living things make up millions of plans, but without the Lord's approval all are futile.





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