The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 481 of 728

disposition of the mind is the cause of its next body. At the moment of death, the mental condition of the living being determines the next body in which it will be transported. If it resists the promptings of the mind by absorbing it in the loving service of the Lord, that same mind cannot degrade it. The individual soul is subject to the laws of interested action.

Therefore, the duty of every human being is to constantly fix his mind on the Lord. When the mind is thus oriented towards God, the intelligence is purified; she then receives her inspiration from the Holy Spirit. This is how living things progress, gradually freeing themselves from the chain of matter.

Logos 218

In truth, it is the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit who directs everything, in collaboration with the individual soul (We). This Supreme Soul, directing the activities of the body, differs from it as from the breath which animates it.

The Supreme Lord said: “I stand in the heart of every being, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness.”

Although the soul is present in every material body, it is not really the most important person who acts through the senses, the mind, etc. The individual soul can only act in collaboration with the Supreme Soul, because it is the latter which gives it directives in order to act or not. No one can act without the approval of the Supreme Soul, because She is the witness of acts and it is She who consents or not to their accomplishment. One who studies carefully under the guidance of an authentic spiritual master can grasp the spiritual knowledge that God, the Supreme Person, is in fact the one who directs all the activities of the individual soul, as well as the one who orders their consequences.. Although the individual soul is in possession of the senses, it is not really master of them, they actually belong to the Supreme Soul.

The Supreme Soul advises the individual soul to surrender to It in order to find happiness. By doing so, she can become immortal and join the spiritual world, where she will experience the greatest success in the form of an eternal existence, all of knowledge and bliss.

In truth, the individual soul is different from the body, the senses, the vital force and the airs which circulate inside the body; in addition, above it is the Supreme Soul, which provides it with all the facilities. However, the individual soul that gives everything back to the Supreme Soul lives very happily inside the body.





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