The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 476 of 728

under the direction of the Supreme Lord, God. Thus, each one undergoes because of his acts accomplished in his previous life, a next pleasant and prosperous existence, even difficult, unhappy and full of suffering. Whoever escapes the justice of men, will never escape that of the Supreme Lord.

Whoever abandons himself to God and serves him with love and devotion, sees all his difficulties and sufferings disappear, because his actions have no consequences.

Logos 210

Here are the four principles of sins also called the four forms of vices which must be preserved, deviated from and rejected: Brothels, establishments selling alcoholic beverages, slaughterhouses and gaming establishments.

To live in holiness and thus be able to approach God, it is imperative to remain faithful to the following regulatory principles: do not engage in illicit sexual activities (outside marriage), do not eat meat, fish and eggs, do not take any drugs and exciting products (alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea) and not to gamble. To reject them all allows us to live in purity of body and mind.

If by the grace of God we can remain faithful to the regulatory principles and sing the song of the holy names of God, the Lord will not fail to protect us. In fact, God declares that his devotee is never defeated. All those who follow this discipline of the Consciousness of God must submit to the strict observance of the regulatory principles and remain firm in the practice of chanting the Holy Names of the Lord. If we do this, we have nothing to fear; otherwise, our position is proving to be most dangerous, especially in our time.

Logos 211

Every man should feel pain at the misfortune of others and joy at their happiness. You must feel as your own the happiness and unhappiness of others. Non-violence is based on this fundamental principle.

Since we experience pain when someone torments us, we should not inflict pain on other living things. God has ordained “You will not kill, and you will not harm anyone”.

But hypocrites maintain thousands of slaughterhouses. Unfortunately, so-called philanthropists and humanists today advocate the happiness of humanity at the cost




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