The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 470 of 728

already determined by a higher order according to the karma of each one, and they cannot be modified. The only good that can be done for those who are suffering is to bring them to a level of spiritual awareness. Material living conditions cannot be improved or made worse. As for material happiness, it comes by itself in a timely manner, as does unhappiness, without us even making efforts to obtain it. Joys and material sorrows occur without special effort; so we don't have to worry about material activities. Anyone who has a desire or is able to help others should strive to elevate men to the level of God's consciousness. In this way, each one progresses spiritually by the grace of the Lord.

Understand that we must be careful not to be led astray by so-called body-based charities. We must at no cost renounce our interest which consists in obtaining the favor of God at all costs. In general, people either ignore this truth, or they forget it; they then sacrifice their primary interest, which is to merit the favor of the Lord and work in philanthropic works aimed at the well-being of the body.

Logos 201

The Lord said: “Whoever knows the absolute nature of My Advent and My Acts will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. After leaving his body, he will enter My eternal kingdom.”

This is only possible for one who acts as an eternal servant or eternal servant of the Supreme Lord. The living being must understand his original and eternal position, as well as that of the Supreme Lord. Both share the same spiritual identity. So always act like the servant or servant of the Supreme Lord, and avoid having to be reborn in this world.

Anyone who keeps himself in good spiritual condition and considers himself an eternal servant or an eternal servant of the Sovereign Lord will know success at the moment when he (She) must abandon his material envelope.

Logos 202

It is written: “The first duty of anyone who wishes to progress in the spiritual life is to become master of the mind and the senses. The mind is the source of lust, anger, pride, greed, affliction, delusion and fear; all these tendencies combine to enslave the being with the interested action”.





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