The Pure Spiritual Science
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impossible, even for the inhabitants of the higher planets. The Lord rarely appears in the eyes of celestial beings, while the inhabitants of the holy regions, by their pure devotion free from all material defilement, self-interested action or empirical philosophical research, obtain the grace to contemplate him face to face. This grace is the original and natural condition of all living beings, which only the service of love and devotion can make it possible to rediscover. God, the Supreme Good, has created a perfect purpose in creating the universe for the benefit of all who do good.

Let them follow, advise them to the Lord, his perfect instructions, and they will find success everywhere. Let them not worship any other deity, because the Lord is all-powerful, and on him who manages to satisfy him, He can spread all blessings to carry out his existence, both material and spiritual. The human form is the special occasion to reach spiritual existence, and to grasp the eternal relationship that unites us to God, a relationship that nothing and no one can break. It may happen that we forget it for a while, but we can always revive it, by the grace of the Lord. It suffices to become faithful again to his commandments revealed by the original holy scriptures, at all times and in all places.

Logos 62

At the final annihilation or “end of the world”, embodied beings are automatically absorbed into the body of God at the end of the hundred years of Brahma's life. But thus absorbed in Him, individual beings distinct from God keep their own identity as spiritual souls.

As soon as, by the will of the Lord creation again joins the manifested state, all beings until then inactive and asleep are found free to resume their various activities, in the thread of their conditions of previous existence. This is the principle of waking up after sleep and resuming their own activities. When a man sleeps at night, he forgets his identity, his homework, and all of his waking activities. But as soon as he regains consciousness, everything he needs to do comes back to his mind, and he resumes his activities. Likewise, living things remain in the body of God as long as the annihilation of the galaxy lasts, but as soon as the time of creation again comes, they awaken and resume their unfinished tasks.

The Lord said: “With the day of Brahma are born all the varieties of beings, and that comes its night, all are annihilated. Endless, day after day, is reborn the day and each time myriads of beings are brought back to existence. Endless, night after night falls, and with it beings in annihilation, without their being able to do anything about it.




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