The Pure Spiritual Science
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remains that one can modify the object. We must therefore nurture the desire to return to God, in our original home located in his absolute kingdom so that naturally decreases, in the measure of our devotional development, the desire for gain, honors and material popularity. Living beings are made to engage in acts of service, and their desires revolve around this same attitude of service. Thus, from the last vagabond to the head of state, all serve others in one way or another. But the perfection of such an attitude can only be achieved by diverting the desire centered on the service of matter or Satan, towards the spiritual service, offered to God.

To prepare for a better future, you must first leave your so-called home. Whoever has passed the milestone of fifty years must free himself as soon as possible from all family responsibilities. Because our civilization is based on a life spent at home enjoying maximum comfort, everyone expects a retirement from the sweetest life, in a pleasantly furnished house, sheltering beautiful children and pretty ladies, and that he won't have the slightest desire to leave. So it is with men who remain attached to their privileged positions until death and who never wish to leave, even in dreams, the charms of the home. Prisoners of such chimeras, materialists elaborate a thousand projects with the aim of making their existence even more comfortable, but suddenly, death occurs. Cruel and unforgiving, she takes our scaffolder of big projects against her will and forces her to abandon her body to put on a new one. According to the acts that he has performed in this present life, he will be forced to take a body from one of the 8,400,000 living species. Generally, those who are too attached to the sweetness of the home are forced to be reborn among the lowest species because of the guilty acts which have accompanied a long life entirely devoted to sin; so they waste all the energy that the human form had given them.

To avoid the danger of spoiling human life and becoming attached to illusions, one must at the age of fifty, if not earlier, be aware of the approaching death. It is important to understand that death can happen at any time, even before the age of fifty, and that it is therefore necessary to prepare for a better future life. The way of the natural organization of the society created by God is thus traced that it directs the one who adopts it towards a next better existence, without the least risk of seeing the human form wasted. Holy places around the world offer themselves specifically as a refuge for those who have left working life to prepare for a better future existence. Beings with intelligence must indeed go there when they are over fifty and approaching death, in order to devote their time to a spiritual rebirth and thus free themselves from the family ties that keep them prisoners of material existence. If it is advisable to leave the home to get rid of material attachments, it is precisely because those who cling to it until death cannot, themselves, free




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