The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 297 of 728

Even once again unmanifest, they are not lost. At the origin as at the end, everything is unmanifested, the manifestation only appears at the intermediate stage. However, even materially speaking, this difference is of no real importance. In reality, the material body deteriorates over time, while the soul remains eternal. Anyone who understands this must remember that the body is only a garment, that there is no need to moan over a change of clothing. Before the eternity of the soul, the existence of the body passes like a dream. In a dream, we may believe that we are flying in the sky or sitting on a king's chariot, but when we wake up, we must return from our illusions. Spiritual wisdom encourages us to spiritual realization by showing us the precariousness of the material body. Whether one believes in the existence of the soul or not, there is no reason to lament the loss of the body.

God reveals the splendor of the soul to us.

The Lord said, “Some see the soul, and it is an amazing wonder for them; so also are others talking about it and still others are hearing about it. However, there are some who, even after having heard of it, cannot conceive of it”.

That the infinitesimal soul occupies the body of a gigantic or tiny animal, or that of a large banyan tree or a blade of grass, as well as those of the billions of germs contained in each cubic centimeter of space, is undoubtedly something extraordinary.

The Lord adds: “He who sits in the body is eternal, he can never be killed”.

The Lord shows us that the soul is eternal, and the body, ephemeral. Thus enlightened, let us continue to fulfill our duty as a human being according to the social class to which we belong, without letting ourselves be stopped by the fear that a member of our family or acquaintance would die. Likewise, enlightened by the Lord, we must accept that there is without a shadow of a doubt a soul distinct from the material body and refuse to believe that the signs of life appear at a certain stage in the evolution of matter. , by a simple combination of chemical elements. However, although the soul is immortal, violence need not be encouraged, except in wartime, when it is really necessary. And when we say “really necessary”, it implies that it is applied with the sanction of the Lord, and not capriciously.

The time element is at the origin of the appearance and the disappearance of the material body.

Since it is certain that the material body will be destroyed and that the duration of our existence is not assured, we must not praise neither death nor life. We should




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