The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 235 of 728

In truth, everything is spiritual.

In truth, the material consciousness corresponds to the absence of Krishna consciousness or consciousness of God. He who is conscious of Krishna, if he perseveres in this way, he will come to realize that nothing is material. When we offer a flower to Krishna, it loses its material character since God never accepts anything material. And it is not that in the massif the flower is material and that it "becomes" spiritual when we offer it to Krishna. It is "material" only to the extent that we think it is made for our pleasure. But as soon as we realize that it exists for the sake of Krishna, God, we see it for what it really is, that is spiritual.

In truth, the whole universe is spiritual in nature, so we want to engage in Krishna service and live in the spirit world. It is also a way of appreciating the creation of God and, for example, admiring a tree by understanding that it belongs to Krishna. This is the conscience of God.

Krishna, God, says, "This Universe is entirely penetrated by Me, in My unmanifested form. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.

This word explains that the Krishna energy, that is, Krishna in a partially manifest form, penetrates every atom of the universe. But it is in his personal form, fully manifested, that he appears. This philosophy accounts for the difference and the simultaneous non-difference between God and his energies. If a ray of sunlight enters through a bay window, it is not that the sun itself is in the house. The sun and the energies that it manifests, such as heat and light, are only one in qualitative terms, but remain different from the quantitative point of view. We can worship Krishna through his energy. We worship Krishna and his energy simultaneously, and since we see everything as Krishna's energy, we can venerate everything. But that does not mean that we are going to worship a tree, a stone, as we worship the representation of Krishna in the temple. We must see everything in relation to Krishna, God, that is how one becomes aware of the Supreme Personality. That's why we have to engage in the service of God, and understand that everything is Krishna.

Krishna Himself says: "He who sees Me everywhere and sees everything in Me, is never separated from Me, as I never separate from him."





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