The Pure Spiritual Science
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sun, millions of years ago. God also knows all beings at the same time, because He lives in the heart of each of them. And yet, although it remains within each being as a Supreme Soul, that it remains beyond the material universe as a Divine and Absolute Person, beings with limited intelligence do not can understand that he is the Supreme Lord, to the imperishable Body. He is the sun, hidden by the cloud of maya, the material energy. We see, in the sky, the sun, the planets and the stars. But sometimes, the clouds rob them temporarily. However, this veil is a veil only for our imperfect senses, because the sun, the moon and the stars are not really hidden. Likewise, Maya can not envelop the Supreme Lord; but this one, by its internal power, is not manifested to the eyes of men of less intelligence. Only a few men, among millions, try to perfect their lives; and among them, only one may be able to know God. So, even if one is accomplished in the realization of the Impersonal Supreme Spiritual Being or the omnipresent Supreme Soul, it remains impossible, without God's consciousness, to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his primordial form of Krishna, God, the Eternal Supreme.

To see God as He is, we must surrender ourselves to Him and serve Him with love and devotion. Devotional service is the manifestation of love we feel for Krishna, God, it is the golden key that opens the door that leads directly to God.

It is only when the embodied spiritual being serves God with love and devotion that his liberation from material existence is assured.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says, "Only through devotional service, and only thus, can one know Me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion, becomes fully conscious of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom."

God is such a fire from which spark sparks, individual beings distinct from Krishna, and when these sparks deviate from fire, they lose their natural brilliance. This is how living beings come into this material world as sparks that deviate from fire. The individual being distinct from God, wishing to imitate Krishna, strives to reign supreme over material nature. He forgets his original position, his illuminating power, his spiritual identity and is almost extinct. However, if the living being conditioned by matter adopts Krishna consciousness, then he will be restored to his natural position. The way of devotional service allows all conditioned souls to revive their original consciousness, their Krishna consciousness, and to escape the sufferings of material existence. Surrender to God, the Supreme Person, is the only real cause of liberation.

A liberated being, whose consciousness is established in Krishna, does not really live in this world even though he is still there. The one who is absorbed in Krishna




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