The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 181 of 728

children through illicit union will have to go to hell. And this is what the science of God confirms by saying that such criminals are sent to hell under the name of Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava.

The Supreme Lord continues: "It is sometimes said that man knows heaven or hell on this very planet, because infernal chastisements are also visible there."

Sometimes unbelievers refuse the teachings of the holy scriptures concerning hell, and reject their authentic descriptions. The Lord therefore confirms their accuracy by saying that such infernal conditions may even be seen on earth; indeed, they do not exist only on the planet of Yamaraja. There, the sinner gets the opportunity to practice living in the infernal conditions to which he will be subjected in his future life, after which he is reborn on another planet to continue his infernal existence.

For example, if a man is condemned to live in hell and to ingest excrement and urine there, he will first have to train on the planet of Yamaraja, after which he will obtain a particular type of body, in this case that of a pig, allowing him to believe that he enjoys existence by eating excrement. As has already been mentioned, in all conditions, even the most abominable, the fallen soul thinks itself happy. Otherwise, it would be impossible to know such hellish living conditions.

The Supreme Lord continues: "After leaving his body, the man who has been responsible to his own needs and those of his family by guilty acts must suffer a life of hell, and with him his relatives."

The mistake of the present civilization is that man does not believe in the existence of a future life. But whether he believes it or not, this life does indeed exist, and if he does not lead a responsible existence, according to the instructions of the authorized scriptures, like the Vedas, the original scriptures also called "The true gospel", he will have to suffer. In the lower species, the being is not responsible for his actions, because he is compelled to act in a certain way; but in the advanced stage of human consciousness, if being does not assume responsibility for his actions, he is sure to know an infernal existence.

The Supreme Lord says, "Alone, he rejoins the dark regions of hell after leaving his present body, and the money he has gained by envying other beings is the price he pays to leave that world."

When a man earns money by dishonest means and uses it to support himself and his loved ones, many of his family members will benefit, but he alone will go to hell. . A person who enjoys existence, thereby earning money or envying the condition of




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