The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 129 of 728

bodies of coarse and subtle matter, can reach the spiritual world in its original spiritual body, and there in Vaiku??haloka or K???aloka, absorbed in the service of transcendental love offered To the Lord. And it is when the soul is thus in its natural, original and eternal position that it is called liberated. It is possible to access the service of transcendental love offered to the Lord, thus becoming a liberated soul, even in the material body.

There is no resurrection of bodies.

The resurrection of the dead corresponds, indeed, to the reappearance of the glorious, incorruptible and spiritual body which we had from the beginning, and which we have lost by entering this material world and especially by embodying ourselves in a material body.

There is no resurrection of bodies, it is a lie.

On the other hand, those who turn to the Lord, love Him, abandon Himself to Him, obey Him, do His will, and serve Him with love and devotion without fail, will find at the death of their material envelope their bodies Which they will preserve for eternity through which they may enter into the kingdom of God and live with him.

This is the true resurrection.

In truth, beings always absorbed in Krsna consciousness, in the service of pure devotion, are granted the chance, at the moment of death, to get Krsna's company into one of the worlds of the material world , Because the Krsna Divertissements unfold unceasingly in this or any other universe.

But those who practice the service of love and devotion which they dedicate to God successfully go directly after leaving the material body to the spiritual world and establish themselves in one of the Vaikunthas planets. The inhabitants of Vrndavana are all pure bhaktas. Their fate is Krsnaloka. By this they rise even beyond the Vaikunthalokas. In truth, beings always absorbed in Krsna consciousness, in the service of pure devotion, are granted the chance, at the moment of death, to get Krsna's company into one of the worlds of the material world , Because the Krsna Divertissements unfold unceasingly in this or any other universe. Just as the sun pours out its light on all the places of our planet, the Krsna-lila, or the Advent and the sublime dreams of Krsna, is perpetually manifest in our universe or in another. The mature devotees, having attained the perfection of Krsna consciousness, as soon as they have left the material body are transferred to the universe wherever Krsna appears. There, they get their first chance to live in the personal, direct company of




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