The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 115 of 728

example, in his previous existence had certainly desired to revel in the blood of other animals, and by the mercy of the Lord he is now endowed with material energy with a body corresponding to His bloodthirsty desires. Similarly, he who wishes to obtain a body of deva on a higher planet will also be answered by the mercy of the Lord. As for the one who has the intelligence to desire a spiritual body that allows him to enjoy the company of the Lord, he too will see his fulfilled desire. Each one can use as he wishes the tiny part of freedom which is his right, and the Lord shows such benevolence that He will grant to each one the particular body to which he aspires. These desires are similar to illusory dreams: under the effect of desire, a man who, for example, has seen gold and a mountain will associate the two ideas and dream of a mountain of gold, but when s Will finish the dream our man will realize then that there is around him neither gold nor mountain.

The innumerable material bodies that the distinct beings in this world must assume have their origin in the false concepts of "I" and "mine". Thus, the materialist considers that the world belongs to him, and the spiritualist thinks "to be" all that exists. The material concept of existence, which in the conditioned soul is reflected in politics, sociology, philanthropy, altruism, etc., rests entirely on this notion of "I" and "mine" Which arises from a powerful desire for material enjoyment. This identification of being with its body and its place of birth-that is to say, the place where it has clothed this body-which manifests itself in various material notions, such as socialism, nationalism, Family attachment, or other, has for its sole cause the forgetting of the true nature of the distinct soul. But that being thus conditioned enters into contact with the authentic spiritual master, and all illusion will be swept away.

To make only one with the Supreme Lord, consists in uniting our desires to his own. Such is the perfection of all desire. The secret of existence is to cooperate with the Divine desires of God.

The Lord resides in the heart of each living being in its form of Supreme Soul or Holy Spirit, and from there, like a witness, he observes their acts.

In truth, no one can experience pleasure or obtain anything, unless the Lord consent. It is he who, like a Father, fills the desires of each one and grants the fruits of the act. Keep in mind that the power we obtain comes from God, and that we are instruments in His hands. The merit of success does not go to the author of the act, but to the Lord alone.





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