Getting To Know God
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system known as Sutala. Formerly, in the form of the avatar Vamana, the Supreme Lord was satisfied with the king of the disbelievers, Bali Maharaja, who had offered him everything he possessed. The king had then received, for him to serve as home and kingdom, the whole planetary system Sutala. So when this great sage, Bali Maharaja, saw that Krishna and Balarama had come to his planet, he immediately melted into an ocean of happiness. As soon as they saw the two Lords, he and his family members rose from their seats to prostrate themselves at their lotus feet (Form of Respect). Bali Maharaja offered Krishna and Balarama the best seats he had, and when both were comfortably seated, he undertook to wash their lotus feet. Then, from the bathwater, he sprinkled his head and that of the members of his family. Let us note here that the water having washed the feet of Krishna and Balarama can sanctify even the greatest celestial beings, such as Brahma, because everything that touches the Lord becomes instantly pure.

Then, Bali Maharaja brought valuable clothing, ornaments, sandalwood pulp, betel nuts, ghi lamps and various ambrosial foods. He and the members of his family worshiped the Lord according to the scriptural rules, and he once again gave up his wealth and his body to the lotus feet of Krishna. King Bali felt such spiritual delight that he repeatedly seized the lotus feet of the Lord to keep them on his chest. Sometimes he also placed them on his head, and felt a sublime happiness. Tears of love and affection began to flow from his eyes, and all his hairs rose on his body. He began to offer prayers to the Lords in a voice interrupted by emotion.

“Dear Balarama, you are the original Anantadeva, so great that Ananta Sesa and countless other spiritual and absolute Forms have originally emanated from your Person and Krishna's One.You are God, the Supreme Person. and Original, Your eternal form is full of endless bliss and perfect knowledge, and you represent the Creator of the whole world, the original Initiator and Propagator of the paths of knowledge and devotional service.You are the Supreme Being, the Original Person, God.Therefore, with all my respect, I offer you both my homage, My dear Lords, it is very difficult for living beings to come to see you, and yet, by your mercy, your devotees You can easily contemplate yourself, and it is only through your unmotivated grace that you have consented to come to these places and to show yourself to us, who in general are influenced by the Ignorance and the Passion.”

“Dear Lords, we belong to the family of daityas, demonic beings, which include the Gandharvas, Siddhas, Vidyadharas, Caranas, Yaksas, Raksasas, Pisacas, ghosts, and other evil spirits, all of whom are incapable to worship, or to become your devotees, on the contrary, they stand in the way of devotion, but on the contrary, you are God, the Supreme Person, representing all celestial beings and situated in the pure Your position remains forever spiritual and absolute, and that is why some of us, though born of the Passion and the Ignorance, took refuge at your lotus feet and became your devotees. some of us are in fact pure sages, while others have taken refuge at your lotus feet in the hope of gaining some gain in exchange for their devotion”.




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