Getting To Know God
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through his amenity. Krishna's behavior with his wives, his gestures, his words, his smile, his embrace, and his other actions that made him like a loving husband, attached them ever more to his Person; and this is the highest perfection of existence. If anyone is ever attached to Krishna, it is because he has reached the liberation and perfection of existence. That a saint loves Krishna with all his heart and soul, and he responds to his love so that it will be impossible for him not to remain attached to God. The exchanges that take place between Krishna and his devotees are so fascinating that a holy being will have no other thoughts than Krishna.

For each of the queens, Krishna was the only object of worship. Constantly, they remained absorbed in the thought of Krishna, the Supreme Person with lotus-like eyes and a light-colored body. Lost in the thought of God, they sometimes remained silent, then, under the effect of the sublime ecstasy of the bhava (emotion, feeling, devotion) and the anubhava (natural expression of an inner state), they put themselves to speak as delirious. At other times, even in the presence of Sri Krishna, they described in great detail the entertainments they had had the joy of engaging with Him in the lake or in the river.

Thus all of Sri Krishna's wives remained perfectly absorbed in the Lord's thinking. We hold Krishna for Yogesvara, the Master of all yogis, and it is He whom his wives kept in their hearts, in Dvaraka. Instead of trying to control all the supernatural powers through the practice of yoga, it is certainly better to simply keep in its heart the supreme Yogesvara, Krishna, because one can thus know the perfection of existence and return without difficulty in the Kingdom of God. However, we must understand that all the queens who lived in Dvaraka in the company of God were in their past life very great devotees of the Lord who wished to have a loving relationship with Him. So they were granted the privilege of becoming his wives and enjoying eternal love with him. Finally, they were all promoted to the Vaikunthas planets, spiritual planets.

The Supreme Person, the Absolute Truth is never impersonal as Jews, Christians, Muslims etc. believe. All the Vedic writings (The original scriptures, also called “The true gospel”), sing the glory of his many acts and absolute diversities, depicting in all but the activities of the Lord. for example, hears the story of Sri Krishna's absolute entertainment, and feels immediately attracted to Him.If by the mere fact of becoming conscious of Krishna one can be brought up to the spiritual world, then it is easy to imagine how much Krishna's queens were blessed and happy, they who spoke personally with the Lord, who were face to face with Him.Nobody could really describe the fortunes of the wives of Sri Krishna.They took personal care of the Lord by the offering various spiritual and absolute services such as bathing, nourishing, and seeing to one's happiness and service, so that no austerity can be compared to the love service of the Dvaraka queens.

In the context of spiritual realization, the austerities and sacrifices made by the queens of Dvaraka did not suffer any comparison. Spiritual realization has only one goal: Krishna. Therefore, although the attitude of the queens to God accurately




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