The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 92 of 102

The spiritual realization marked by an attitude of service is in itself transcendental, but when this attitude turns into a feeling of Friendship, the relationship deepens further. And when affection intensifies, then the relationship is established at the parental level. Ultimately, however, conjugal love is the highest relationship that can unite us to the Supreme Lord.

Any spiritual affection for the Supreme Lord, at any level, is undoubtedly transcendental, but that which is proper to a given devotee, is more delectable to him than any other.

When a person wishes to establish a servant-to-master relationship with Krishna, Krishna plays the role of the perfect Master. Similarly, the person who wishes to establish a friendship with Krishna, the latter perfectly plays the role of the perfect Friend, and when one wishes to have Krishna as a Son in a parental relationship, Krishna plays the role of the perfect Son.

Similarly, when a devotee wishes to worship Kṛiṣhṇa with a sense of conjugal love, Kṛiṣhṇa perfectly assumes the role of spouse or lover. That said, the Lord himself admits that the conjugal relationship that unites him to the young girls of Vraja represents the highest perfection.

When we establish ourselves in our purely spiritual identity, that is, when we act according to our real self, as a spiritual soul, and meditate on the absolute loving service offered to Lord Krishna, we are then promoted to the spiritual realm, to live with Krishna.

In other words, thinking about Krishna and his companions in full awareness of our true spiritual identity, knowing that we are a spiritual soul, we qualify to enter the spiritual realm. No one can contemplate or admire the activities of the spiritual world without being established in his pure spiritual identity.

No one other than Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who is none other than Krishna Himself, can confer spiritual love for God.

He who knows the nature of the appearance, disappearance and acts of the Lord is immediately set free. When he abandons his material body, he never has to put on anymore because he returns to the spiritual world.

In our galaxy, the Milky Way, the earth is the most privileged of all planets.

The Lord says, “I do not envy, I do not favor anyone, towards all I am impartial. But whoever serves Me with devotion lives in Me. He is a friend to Me, as I am his friend.”




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