The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 68 of 102

He who shows Me respect but envy the body of others, is a separatist, and because of his hostility towards other beings, he never knows peace of heart.

Even if someone worships Me in My murti form, following the rites and with the appropriate articles, he can never satisfy Me if he ignores My presence in every being.

While performing his duties, man must worship the murti, the arca form [The personal form of God manifested through various material elements such as paintings, wooden statues, stone, worshipped Krishna in temples or at home. Truly present in this form, the Lord receives the adoration that His devotees offer Him] from the Supreme Lord, until He realizes My presence in His own heart as in that of all other beings.

Through the burning fire of death, I arouse a dreadful fear in anyone who makes any distinction between himself and other beings due to external differences.

Then, by charitable gifts and a benevolent attitude, by behaving in a friendly way and seeing all beings with an equal eye, we must attract My favor, I who lives in each being as their very Soul.

Animated beings are superior to inert objects, and among them, those in whom the signs of life are manifested are more evolved. As for animals with developed consciousness, they are better than these, and above them are beings with developed sensory perception.

Among beings endowed with sensory perceptions, those who have developed the sense of taste are higher than those who have developed only the sense of touch. But above them are those who can feel, and still higher are those who can hear.

Beings who can distinguish different forms are superior to those who perceive sounds. Superior to them, those with jaws filled with teeth, and even higher those with many legs. But still superior are the quadrupeds, and above all, humans.

Among humans, those whose social organization is based on the qualities and activities of each prevail over others, and within such a society, intelligent men, referred to as “wise scholars”, are the most evolved. But it is still necessary to distinguish as the best among the wise scholars those who have studied the Vedas (The original Scriptures, also called “the true Gospel”), and among them the one who knows the true purpose of the Vedas is the highest.

However, above the sage who knows the purpose of the Vedas is the one who can dispel all doubts, and better than the latter is the one who strictly adheres to spiritual principles. But even higher than this one shines the soul free from all material defilement. As for the pure devotee, who performs devotional service without expecting anything in return, he dominates them all.




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