The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
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Lord Krishna says in this regard: “I am the source from all worlds, spiritual and material, everything emanates from Me. After many deaths and rebirths, the man of true knowledge surrenders to Me, because he knows that I am the cause of all causes. Such a great soul is infinitely rare.

Of all things in this world, material as well as spiritual, know that I am the origin and the end”.

Because omniscient, God knows everything about the past, present and future of all beings.

Indeed, matter and spirit, body and soul, existed even before they were manifested. Their existence is simultaneous.

Immortal spiritual beings eternally conceive countless desires, and all living species exist from all eternity to meet these varied desires. It is the desires of spiritual beings that determine the bodies of matter that they must clothe.

Because Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is omniscient, He knows perfectly well that certain living beings will rebel against His will and commit themselves to sinful acts. He also knows the varied desires they will develop in contact with the three attributes and modes of influence of the material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance. Therefore, He has created since the dawn of time the various living forms, the various bodies of matter, which will serve to shelter the conditioned souls, according to their desires. All the different objects of the material world are designed from these three attributes, just like the three fundamental colors, blue, red and yellow, serve to produce thousands of shades and varied tones.

As for the orchestration of this distribution, it is devoted to the material nature, which handles it with prodigious dexterity. All activities are accomplished by these three attributes and modes of influence. Therefore, material influences are reflected in the variety of living species, celestial beings, human beings, terrestrial and aquatic animals, plants from the blade of grass to the big tree, or 8,400,000 different life forms.




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