The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 26 of 102

Ignoring the one who believes that the soul can kill or be killed, the wise man knows that it does not kill or die.

The soul knows neither birth nor death. Living, it will never cease to be. Unborn, immortal, original, eternal, it never had a beginning, and never will have an end. It does not die with the body.

How, who knows the unborn, unchanging, eternal and indestructible soul, could he kill or cause to be killed?

At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body, the old one has become useless, just as one discards worn clothes to put on new ones.

No weapon can crack the soul, nor the fire burn it; the water cannot wet it, nor the wind dry it out.

The soul is indivisible and insoluble; fire does not reach it, it cannot be dried up. It is immortal and eternal, omnipresent, unalterable and fixed.

The soul is said to be invisible, inconceivable and unchanging. Knowing this, you should not lament over the body.

And even if you believe the endless soul taken over by birth and death, you have no reason to grieve.

Death is certain for whom is born, and certain for whom dies. Since you must do your duty, you should not feel sorry for yourself.

All created things are, originally, not manifested. They manifest themselves in their transitory state, and once dissolved, find themselves unmanifested. What is the point of being saddened?

Some people see the soul, and it’s an amazing wonder to them. So do others talk about it and others hear about it. There are, however, some who, even after hearing of it, cannot conceive of it.

He who sits in the body is eternal, he cannot be killed. So you do not have to cry for anyone”.

We are not the body of matter in which we reside, but the soul that is there, which allows it to live and move. Each of us is actually a spiritual soul, and Krishna is the Supreme Being from whom Everything emanates.

This is the beginning of spiritual education.

Each of us is an eternal spiritual soul and not the dense matter body in which we reside, just for the time of a life in this material world.




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