The Way of Liberation, of True Freedom
Page 12 of 102

But today men no longer obey God or the laws of God, so that rain and riches are no longer equitably distributed. The fundamentally rebellious man cannot claim any quality worthy of the name.

That is why the present age is called the black age or dark age, the age of discord, hypocrisy, quarrels, indifference, decadence and sin.

To respect and apply the divine laws is to obey God, and this will have the effect of elevating the incarnate being that each of us really is, to spiritual realization, and all the people will receive the beneficial scents.

The soul incarnate and conditioned by the material nature and the energy of illusion, which pursues with frenzy the pleasure of the senses, unaware that this way will never allow it to tear itself away from the material stain, does not obtain for any «benefit» that the renewal of the cycle of reincarnations.

The Lord specifies: «The author of interested acts must endlessly be reborn and die in this world, and until he has developed his affection for Me, it will be impossible for him to shake the yoke of the laws of material nature».

Thus, the man who conscientiously fulfills his duties according to the social class and spiritual level to which he belongs, but who fails to develop his love for Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is only ruining his human life.

The Lord adds: «The man of the first order is the one who finds in Me his refuge in the most total abandonment, and who, renouncing all forms of material occupations, lives according to my teaching».

The root of sin is disobedience to Kṛiṣhṇa, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the refusal to recognize his authority and pre-eminence, but it is also the rejection, non-compliance and non-application of divine laws and laws of nature, born from the refusal to recognize the Lord’s absolute right of ownership over all that exists.

Blessed are those who follow these four divine regulatory principles:

Do not have sex outside marriage, do not eat meat, fish and eggs, do not consume drugs, stimulants, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and tea, and do not play games of chance and money, because they will then live in holiness.

In truth, the transgression of the divine laws and the laws of nature that arise from them, the disobedience to the orders of Lord Krishna, begets the degeneration of man. Moreover, if one is sensible, if one knows the divine laws, the laws of nature, the divine commandments, and if one remains free from attachment as from aversion one is certain to make oneself worthy again of the consideration of God, to thus become the chosen one who will return to Him in His eternal kingdom.

Only those who live in holiness, who obey God and do his divine will, who surrender to Him and serve Him with love and devotion, can approach Him, see Him face to face, and remain with Him in His eternal kingdom, passing from death to eternal life. They will never return to the material universe where suffering reigns.




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