The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 69 of 88

Let us act as God desires for our own good, let us apply his directives, his advice, his teaching, and we will live happily, in peace, peace and harmony. All these cataclysms will never happen again.

Do we love each other with unconditional love as Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, recommends it to us, but also love all the terrestrial and aquatic animals, and all the plants in their diversity including the trees, which are home to many living beings, caterpillars, ants, butterflies, various insects, birds, monkeys etc., as each of them is a soul embodied in a specific material body.

The right way, the one that allows us to access eternal life.

Cosmic material creation was conceived for souls eternally incarnated and conditioned by nature for two reasons:

First, they can first satisfy their tendency to reign supreme over cosmic manifestation.

And the second, they also have the opportunity to return to God, in his infinite, absolute and eternal kingdom.

After the dissolution or end of the world of cosmic manifestation, most conditioned souls merge into the existence of the Supreme Person, God, immersed in a mystical sleep, and they will again be manifested in the next creation.

Those who have obeyed Lord Krishna, and thus qualified to return to God, will find their original spiritual body after leaving their material envelopes of dense and ethereal matter.

The forgetting of the relationship that unites spiritual beings to God is at the origin of the bodies of matter that they must put on. The material forms, that of dense and ethereal matter, are due only to the ignorance of the conditioned incarnate soul, and as soon as the being abandons himself to the Lord’s service of love and devotion, he immediately gets to be freed from this bondage. Devotional service is a purely spiritual attraction to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, which is the source of all pleasures. Everyone aspires to some form of pleasure, but the one who has the fortunate fortune to obtain this information through the sacred texts as the science of God, becomes forever liberated and finds his natural and original position in the kingdom of God.

The Lord reveals to us that all the planets of the material universe, from the highest, heavenly, to the lowest in Hell, are subject to destruction, and even if souls incarnate and conditioned by material nature roam the space in many reincarnations because of their guilty or virtuous acts, or by means of material rockets, they will never be able to escape death, although the lifespan differs from one planet to another.




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