The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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To approach Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to enter his infinite and absolute kingdom and to see him face to face continuously and in perpetuity, it is necessary:

That we abandon ourselves to him, that we obey him, that we do his divine will, that we renew the bond of love that unites us to him, that we unite our desires and our interests with his, that we offer him all the fruits of our actions, and that we serve him with love and devotion.

The four fundamental relationships that unite devotees to Krishna.

The four fundamental relationships or purely spiritual feelings that animate the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord are:

The attitude of service, friendship, parental affection, and the feeling of love characterize the four forms of spiritual exchange of feelings with God.

Lord Krishna is conquered by devotees who cherish these sweet feelings, and exchanges wonderful feelings of love with them. Taken by these feelings of absolute love, Lord Krishna tastes happiness with his devoted servants, his friends, his parents and his loving companions, in his kingdom, located on his planet Krishnaloka, the most important in the spiritual world. All the other spiritual planets float below her.

Now is the time to prepare for our next life.

It is during our present existence that we must seek God, learn to know him as he really is, and by the knowledge thus acquired, prepare our future life.

Each of us must organize our lives so that the fifteen or twenty years preceding our death are entirely devoted to the service of love and devotion offered to Lord Krishna, in order to attain the highest spiritual perfection of existence, and be sure to enter the sublime, infinite and absolute kingdom of God.

One must be quite foolish to devote one’s whole life to self-interested action, to the pleasures of the senses and to materialism, which chain the incarnate soul to the bodily matter and provoke, by the wheel of time, successive reincarnations and related material sufferings, to live in anguish and fear. Especially since, according to his desires and actions, the incarnate being, at the time of his death, does not know in which material body he will be reincarnated. As long as the mind is engaged in this suicidal path, the embodied spiritual being will have no chance of freeing himself from the chains of bodily matter in which he is held prisoner and ignores this truth.

The Lord specifies that each of us must become his devotee, at least in the last stage of his life. Serving God with love and devotion puts an end to the various material desires, and maintains the being in purity. Only in this way can we approach God, and enter his marvelous eternal kingdom.




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