The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Human life is made to enable us to seek the Absolute Truth, which is none other than Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. This is the true knowledge.

True knowledge consists in perceiving the spiritual individuality of all beings, at the same time as that of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. He whose intellect and mind, whose refuge and faith rest in the Eternal Sovereign, sees pure knowledge clearing him of all his doubts. He then advances with a firm step on the path that leads to the liberation of this world.

The fully conscious being of Krishna, or in other words, one whose thoughts, intelligence and faith remain fixed on Krishna, thus taking complete refuge in Him, is free from doubt, and possesses perfect knowledge of all what relates to God. He knows himself to be both One with the Lord and distinct from Him. Armed with this spiritual knowledge, he progresses with certainty on the path of liberation, which consists of being unleashed from imprisonment in matter, finding in fact true freedom.

All who know the Absolute Truth know that the Supreme Being, Krishna, is realized in three aspects: the Impersonal Spiritual Being, the only aspect of God known to believers on earth, the Supreme Soul also called the Holy Spirit, and Krishna, in his personal form, primordial, infinite and absolute. This is the true trinity.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, the ultimate aspect of the Absolute Truth, the summit of spiritual realization, which is to be achieved, by surrendering to Him, and by serving Him with love and devotion. This is the perfection of knowledge.

The Lord says to this effect: “It is only through devotional service, and only in this way, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion becomes fully conscious of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom, and indeed, see Me. Thus, and only thus, will the mystery of My Person be pierced.

Those who always serve and worship Me with love and devotion, I give them the intelligence through which they can come to Me”.

Beginning with humility, ending with the realization of the Absolute Truth, God, the Supreme Person, Krishna, this path is like a staircase. Many people reach the first stages, but if one neglects to go to the last, which represents the knowledge of Krishna, then one will remain at a lower stage of knowledge.

Let us understand that wanting to compete in greatness with God, while seeking to progress on the spiritual path is stupid, and can only lead to frustration. It is well established that without humility, knowledge becomes dangerous. Believing oneself to be God, for example, is the height of pride. The embodied spiritual entity is constantly rushed from all sides by the strict laws of material nature, and if it continues to think “I am God”, it is out of sheer ignorance of the data relating to truth.

On the contrary, we must be humble, and recognize ourselves as subordinate to the Supreme Lord, Krishna, because it is by rebellion against Him that we have become slaves of material nature. Let us know these truths, and be convinced of them.




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