The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 28 of 88

It is only through devotional service, and only in this way, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion becomes fully conscious of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom.

Only by serving Me with undivided love and devotion can Me be known as I am, standing before you and, indeed, seeing Me. Thus, and only thus, will the mystery of My Person be pierced.

For those who worship me, abandon me all his actions and devote themselves to me without sharing, absorbed in devotional service and constantly meditating on me, for that I am the deliverer, who will soon tear him from the ocean of birth and death. If I am offered with love and devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept this offering.

Always be filled with Me your mind and become my full devotee, constantly give me your worship, and simply give it to Me. This is the only way to access my kingdom. I reveal to you here the most secret knowledge.

The men liberated from these dualities (good-bad, hot-cold, victory-defeat, just-unjust, true-false etc..), fruits of the illusion, the men who, in their past lives as in this life were virtuous, men in whom sin has come to an end, these serve me with determination.

Always singing My glories, prostrating themselves before Me, greatly determined in their spiritual endeavors, magnanimous souls adore Me with love and devotion.

Among thousands of men, perhaps only one will seek perfection, and among those who attain it, rare is he who truly knows me.

Whoever knows the Absolute of my advent and of my Acts will no longer have to be reborn in the material universe. After leaving his body, he will enter my eternal kingdom.

When they have reached me, the holy beings imbued with devotion, these noble souls, having thus risen to the highest perfection, never again return to this ephemeral world where suffering reigns.

I am equal to everyone. No one is my enemy, no one is my friend.

All follow My way in one way or another, and according as they surrender to Me, in proportion I reward them.

He who reaches the spiritual level, at the same time realizes the Supreme Being, and finds in it an infinite joy. He never grieves, he never aspires to anything. He shows himself equal towards all beings. This one then gets to serve me with pure love and devotion.




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