The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 68 of 150

The Lord says, “Seek spiritual knowledge rather than material knowledge, knowing that the former is eternal and the latter perishes with the body.”

Only the transcendental knowledge of which God is the source, the Propagator and the Supreme Teacher, brings to men the fundamental data relating to God as He really is, to the existential and absolute truth, enlightens them on their true spiritual identity, their reveals the real and ultimate goal of existence, and by the pure knowledge acquired, allows them by developing intelligence, to remain in pure virtue.

Know that in the same way as the man who is a spiritual soul incarnated in a human body, all the terrestrial and aquatic animals, but also all the plants in their diversities are all also spiritual souls incarnated in bodies belonging to the animal kingdom. or vegetable. Souls incarnated in animal or plant bodies also follow the path of spiritual evolution, which will allow them, when the time comes, to be able to incarnate in a human body and thus to access spiritual liberation.

On the spiritual level, the souls incarnated in the bodies of animals or plants are all on the same level as those who reside in human carnal envelopes. This is why God orders us to no longer slaughter terrestrial and aquatic animals, to no longer destroy plants including trees which serve as shelter or refuge for many living beings (insects, butterflies, caterpillars, birds, squirrels, monkeys, etc.) , and to stop eating meat, fish and eggs.

How can we free ourselves from all the suffering born of contact with matter?

Purification is itself liberation, and absolute spiritual bliss marks true life.

The Lord replies: The being knows the perfection of yoga (of the practice of union and communion with God), of samadhi (meditation on God), when, through practice, he manages to withdraw his mind from all material activities. Then, once the mind is purified, it realizes its true identity and tastes inner joy. In this happy state, he enjoys, through his purified senses, infinite spiritual happiness. This perfection achieved, the soul knows that nothing is more precious, and will not deviate from the truth, but will remain there imperturbable, even in the midst of the worst difficulties. Such is the true liberation from all the sufferings born of contact with matter.

Purification itself is liberation, a principle to which the theory of nirvana corresponds, which, like liberation, is only a preliminary step towards spiritual perfection. Once nirvana is reached, when it ceases all material activities, the incarnate being begins to act at the spiritual level, in the service of love and devotion that he offers to the Lord, in Krishna consciousness. He then knows real life, out of all material contamination, out of maya (the energy of illusion). Absolute spiritual bliss marks true life.

The Absolute, who is none other than Krishna, God, the Supreme Person Himself, is by nature, total bliss. This total, natural bliss, inherent in the spiritual being, is the ultimate goal of yoga, and can be easily acquired through devotional service. When he succeeds in surpassing matter in this way, the spiritualist never again falls under his yoke.

As long as we have a material body, we will have to meet the requirements of the latter: to eat, sleep, mate and defend ourselves. The pure devotee of God does not break this rule, but does so to the extent necessary, without seeking the excitement of the senses. Determined to do against bad luck with a good heart, he makes the best use of the burden represented by the material body, and aware of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, he enjoys an entirely spiritual happiness in this world.

Unshakable in the face of the many vicissitudes of life: accidents, illnesses, poverty, death of a loved one, etc., he steadfastly and enthusiastically accomplishes his duty in the devotional service offered to the Lord, and the conscience of God. Nothing keeps him away. He is tolerant, because he knows that these pains, which endlessly come and go, can in no way affect his service. Seeing thus, he attains the perfection of yoga.




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