The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 54 of 150

The secret of peace.

The great wrong of the present civilization is that it allows man to appropriate to himself what belongs to others as if it were his good, and thus to disturb the order established by the laws of nature instituted by God. These laws are strict and no one can violate them. Only the God-conscious being succeeds, and without difficulty, in freeing himself from their yoke and thus experiencing happiness and peace in this very world.

God is the real beneficiary of All that Is and all the efforts of men, He the Sovereign Lord of all galaxies that gravitate in the material cosmos, the friend and benefactor of all beings.

The day when people around the world realize that in these truths lies the secret of peace, the latter will reign on earth. Therefore, if we want any of this peace, we will have to reform our consciousness and become conscious of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person both at the individual and the collective level.

The perfect behavior.

Everything belongs to God, that is why the Supreme Eternal, Krishna, makes the whole earth available to all human beings. He orders them to share everything equitably and to take only what is strictly necessary, so that there is no shortage for anyone.

Only demonic beings disobey God, appropriate everything and leave nothing to others. Those who take God's property to proclaim it to them are thieves.

If we stray from the dogmas, the precepts, the spiritual recommendations, the commandments of God, we will suffer the penalties or punishments which will arise by themselves, inflicted by the laws of nature. As soon as we violate the laws of nature from divine laws, we will suffer the consequences.

For example, if we eat more than we need, if we allow ourselves to violate these prohibitions: not having illicit sexual relations outside marriage, not using drugs and stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarettes, not eating meat, fish, and eggs, and not playing games of chance and money, we will never have access to spiritual knowledge, to the knowledge of God as he really is, and we will never know what spiritual consciousness is. There is no greater punishment, for without spiritual consciousness we will remain in the animal state, that is, we will remain in ignorance of God and of the existential and absolute truth, and we will remain bound to the cycle of repetitive birth and death, without end, knowing with each life a new body and multiple sufferings. This is the punishment of the laws of nature.




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