Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 71 of 624

The pure beings who live in the spiritual realm endlessly sing wonderful spiritual songs to the glory of Lord Krishna.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the real, unique and ultimate purpose of existence. Going to find him in his absolute kingdom, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity, the place where our original home is located, such must be our only thought, our only concern and our only objective.

After leaving his two bodies of dense and ethereal matter, the holy being, the devotee of Krishna finds his true spiritual body and returns to God, to his original abode in the kingdom of the Lord, where he is received with great respect and revered by all who already live there.

These are the different aspects of the spiritual bliss experienced in the spiritual variety of the eternal and absolute realm of Lord Krishna.

There is no past, present, or future in the kingdom of God, and it is a true wonder. This is the ultimate goal of existence.

For more information, consult the book: “The Spiritual World”.




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