Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 601 of 624

The person who establishes himself in the practice of devotional service naturally sees his material torments vanish. As he progresses along this path, he acquires love for God and, developing this sublime feeling for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, he becomes free from all material bondage.

Our real occupation is devotional service, and our ultimate goal is love of God.

Let us renew our bond with God and enter into real life.

The purpose of life is to enable us to attain spiritual realisation, and to restore our forgotten relationship with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

If we want to re-establish our relationship with God, we must first purify our hearts. By chanting “Haré Krishna” at all times, the darkness that veils our true spiritual identity will vanish and our heart will become pure. Our natural and original position will then be revealed to us.

We can never find a method of spiritual realisation for the present age as sublime as this Sanskrit chant:

Haré Krishna, haré Krishna, Krishna Krishna, haré haré /
Haré Rama, haré Rama, Rama Rama, haré haré.

The chanting of the Holy Names of Krishna means: O Lord, O source of all happiness, please make me your beloved servant.

Krishna and Rama are the Names of God, and Haré is none other than His inner energy, His blissful energy. Chanting the Holy Names of the Supreme Lord enables one to:

To eliminate all the sins accumulated in all our previous lives, to purify our defiled heart, to be delivered from the imprisonment in matter in this material world, to obtain spiritual knowledge, to progress and bring forth all the forms of devotional service, to awaken our love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to taste spiritual happiness, to obtain the company of God and to devote oneself to His devotional love service.

Just by reciting or chanting “Haré Krishna”, we can regain our original spiritual body and return to God, to our true abode for eternity.

The ultimate goal of existence is to surrender to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Surrender results from love, purely transcendental love. Whoever perceives that serving God with love and devotion is his real duty, has perfect knowledge. One should then know that he has attained the perfection of union with God, and is in perfect communion with the Divine Being, Krishna.

Verily, intimate union with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is to be at one with God in every respect.




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