Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 592 of 624

Let us not only sit in a comfortable compartment, but also make sure that the train is moving in the right direction. Devoting ourselves to the well-being of our material body does us no real good in the long run if it costs us to forget the primordial and indispensable side of existence, to recover our lost spiritual identity.

This vessel, the human form, is designed in such a way that it must be directed towards the supreme spiritual goal, our original spiritual abode in the eternal and absolute kingdom of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

The living being, a spark and infinitesimal part of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, has the right, by virtue of his origin, to live in the spiritual world where the holy beings who live there know no anxiety. He will return to God, to his original abode when he leaves his body, if he follows and obeys the instructions of the Supreme Lord.

The Lord lives in the spiritual world in His original and absolute personal form, and the holy being or devotee who follows His instructions returns to Him. As a spiritual person, that devotee returns to God, the Supreme Person, to play and dance with Him. This is the ultimate goal of life.

Generally, human beings are not aware that their real interest is to return to their original home, to God. It is not the interest of the body that should be sought, but that of the soul. They do not know that their true home is in the spiritual world. There are an infinite number of spiritual planets out there, and one of them is our true original home. The most important of all, which is larger than all the spiritual and material planets combined, is called Krishnaloka, or Goloka Vrindavana. All the spiritual planets are situated under this majestic planet, the abode of Krishna.

One has to be intelligent to return to God. Therefore, one has to be interested in all that concerns the spiritual planets, called Vaikuntha, and especially the planet called Goloka Vrindavana, the planet of Krishna. He must also learn the art of going there by the simple method of love and devotional service, through which he will be able to purify his consciousness, regain his original position, and return to his original abode in the kingdom of God.

Let us all come to our senses, and out of love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, let us all aspire to return to the Lord, to our original abode, to become Krishna's companions, whether as servants, friends, relatives or beloved ones, on any of the innumerable spiritual planets, or in Goloka Vrindavana, the planet where Lord Krishna resides.

I have chosen to return to the kingdom of God, you too should do like me.

I have consciously chosen and decided in fullness to return to the absolute and eternal kingdom of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. You too do as I have done, make the same decision, and let us all return to God.




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