Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 586 of 624

To one who loves Him, obeys Him and serves Him with love and devotion, Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person says: Thus, worshipping Me, the Omnipresent Lord of the universe, through unwavering devotional service, the virtuous believer renounces all desire to attain the Edenic planets or to be happy in this world, with wealth, children, cattle, house or any other object related to the body. I take him beyond birth and death.

God takes him to his sublime kingdom for eternity, never to return to the material universe where suffering reigns.

Each of us is, in truth, a spiritual soul, not the material body.

The forgetfulness of our true spiritual identity is due to the dense material body in which we have incarnated. That is why the relationship we must have with all other human beings is that which is established at the level of the soul, from soul to soul, and based on the relationship that unites each individual soul with the Supreme Soul, God.

In truth, and we see this constantly, the bodily conception of existence based on the body and not the soul, which unite the bodies with each other, cause bondage to matter, whereas those based on the soul bring liberation, salvation.

Soul-to-soul relationships are established from the link between each individual and the Supreme Soul, God. This is the perfection of existence.

This is the secret to entering the kingdom of God.

Whoever takes these four preliminary steps to the realization of God-consciousness; cultivating pure moral discipline, becoming non-violent, recognizing the supremacy of God and preserving life by not taking it away from human beings, land and water animals and plants, attains the state of enlightenment and comes closer to God.

It is impossible for anyone who sheds the blood of human beings, land and water animals and destroys plants to enter the kingdom of God. It is impossible for anyone who eats meat, fish and eggs to approach God.

Blessed are those who know that the Lord personally guides His pure devotee on the path of spiritual realization, because of their constant engagement in the service of love and devotion that they offer to Him, and by the spontaneous affection that they feel towards the Lord.

To be aware of God, to love Him, to obey Him, to take pleasure in doing His divine will and to serve Him with love and devotion, is the secret of entering the kingdom of God. Those who are there take immense pleasure in offering Him wonderful songs, playing with Him, singing with Him, hearing Him play His sublime flute beautifully and dancing to the melodious sound that emanates from it for eternity.




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