Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 571 of 624

Krishna cannot find any pleasure in this world of gross matter, since He has His own power of bliss. And we who are an integral part of His Being, of His Person, also possess a part of that energy, but it is within the framework of matter that we are presently striving to manifest it.

The Supreme Lord transcends the lower and marginal energies. He is fully established in His spiritual energy, which manifests in three modes: eternal existence, eternal bliss and eternal knowledge.

Eternal existence comes under his sandhini power, bliss and knowledge under his hladhini and samvit powers respectively. As the Supreme Lord, the source of all energies, He is the ultimate Master of spiritual, marginal and material energies, and all these varieties of energies and powers are linked to the Lord through eternal devotional service.

Krishna, the Supreme Lord, enjoys infinite bliss in His eternal spiritual form. The absolute spiritual form of the Lord exists eternally in the purest spiritual bliss. The Supreme Lord can, by His inconceivable powers, create the infinity of galaxies while remaining identical to Himself, perfect and complete in Himself. He is complete in Himself, although an infinite number of Avatars equally complete in themselves emanate from Him, He always remains identical and complete in Himself.

Krishna's energy naturally transforms into three categories: the internal energy or spiritual energy, the Master Godhead of eternal bliss, the marginal energy constituted by the spiritual beings that we are, and the material energy known in its aspect of material nature or energy of illusion.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, fully permeated with perfections, holds innumerable powers, all of which are divided into three main groups, corresponding to the three primary energies of the Lord. His spiritual energy, as well as the marginal energy, constitute His higher energy, while the material energy, arising from ignorance, constitutes His lower energy.

Living beings or spiritual souls, who belong to the marginal energy, are situated between the higher spiritual energy and the lower material energy. Depending on whether they are closer to the spiritual energy or to the material energy, living beings experience higher or lower levels of existence. The individual soul conditioned by the material nature embodies the marginal energy under the influence of the external or material energy. However, when the marginal energy is placed under the sign of spiritual energy, it becomes worthy of God's love.




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