Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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oriented towards the knowledge of the truth concerning God, the Supreme Person. Whoever studies the Bhagavad-gita [Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person] in its entirety, will easily come to assimilate spiritual knowledge in these two aspects. It is without difficulty that he will know the spiritual nature of the being, an integral part of God, and subsequently the absolute nature of the acts of the Lord.

The Lord is, without a shadow of a doubt, the Supreme Person and his acts transcend matter. One who has understood this truth is freed from the clutches of matter as soon as he begins to study the Bhagavad-gita [words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person].

The Avatar Rsabhadeva gives us this sublime advice:

When someone sees the satisfaction of the senses as the goal of his life, he goes into material life to go mad and indulges in all kinds of sinful activities. He does not know that it is because of his past misdeeds that he has already received a material body which, despite its transitory nature, is at the origin of his suffering. In truth, the distinct being should never have put on this carnal envelope, but the latter was attributed to him for the satisfaction of his senses. Also, I do not believe that it is appropriate for an intelligent man to become entangled again in material activities which would force him perpetually to put on bodies, life after life. As long as the living being does not inquire about the spiritual values of existence, he must know the defeat and the evils resulting from ignorance. Whether it is virtue or sin, karma bears its fruits, and if a person is involved in some form of karma or another, his mind is called “tainted with the desire to enjoy the fruits of it. action”. As long as the mind remains unclean, the consciousness remains obscured, and as long as one follows the path of self-interested action, one has to put on a material body. When the living being is under the influence of ignorance, he cannot know the nature of the distinct soul and that of the Supreme Soul, his mind then comes under the yoke of self-interested action. Therefore, until he has love for God, he will certainly not be exempt from putting on material bodies.

Let us all return to where we once lived, to the absolute and eternal realm of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. This is the first reason for existence.

The true purpose of the journey of life is to return to God, to his eternal and absolute kingdom.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, is so good to all beings, that as Supreme Soul or Holy Spirit, He always accompanies the embodied soul, whatever the circumstances. The Lord remains with them in their hearts as a witness, a Friend, and this, for the sole purpose of helping them return to his eternal kingdom. He wants them to leave this world of suffering for good.




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