Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 535 of 624

Demonic men do not know what they should or should not do. In them there is no purity, no right conduct, no truthfulness.

They claim that this world is unreal and without foundation, that no God directs it, that it results from sexual desire and has no other cause than concupiscence.

The demoniacs, misguided, devoid of intelligence, engage in harmful, vile works that aim to destroy the world.

Demonic beings, who take refuge in self-conceit, pride and insatiable concupiscence, fall prey to illusion. Fascinated by the ephemeral, they devote their lives to unhealthy acts.

To enjoy the senses until the last moment is, they believe, the major imperative for man. And so their anguish knows no end. Chained by hundreds, by thousands of desires, by concupiscence and anger, they pile up wealth in illicit ways, to satisfy the appetite of their senses.

Such is the thought of the demoniacal man: “So much wealth is mine today, and by my plans more will come. I possess so much today, and tomorrow more and more. This man was of my enemies, and I killed him; in their turn I will kill the others. Of all I am lord and master, of all the beneficiary. I am perfect, I am powerful, I am happy, I am the richest, and surrounded by high connections. No one reaches my power and happiness. I will perform sacrifices, do charity, and thereby rejoice.” This is how ignorance deceives him.

Confused by multiple anxieties and caught in a net of illusions, he becomes too attached to the pleasures of the senses, and sinks into hell.

Vain of himself, always arrogant, led astray by wealth and fatuity, he sometimes makes sacrifices; but out of all principle and rule, these can only be in name.

Having sought refuge in the false ego (identification with his body, and domination of matter), in power, pride, concupiscence and anger, the demoniac blasphemes the true religion and envies Me, the Supreme Lord, who resides in his own body, as well as in that of others.

The envious and evil ones, the last of men, I plunge into the ocean of material existence in the various forms of demonic life.

These are reborn, life after life, within the demonic species, never able to approach Me. Little by little they sink into the most sinister condition.

Three doors open into this hell: concupiscence, anger and greed. Let every sane man close them, for they lead the soul to its doom.

The man who has avoided these three gates of hell dedicates his life to acts that lead to spiritual realization. In this way, he gradually attains the supreme goal.

He who rejects the precepts of the scriptures (the Vedas, the original holy scriptures) in order to act according to his whim, reaches neither perfection, nor happiness, nor the highest goal.

What your duty is and what it is not, know therefore how to determine it in the light of the principles given by the scriptures. Knowing these laws, act in such a way as to gradually elevate yourself.




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