Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 524 of 624

Loving Krishna is an innate feeling in us.

No one can live without love, and this tendency is also found in animals. We learn to love our parents, our family members, our friends, our homeland, self-love, but all this does not teach us how to use this inclination to love for the greater happiness of all humanity. Krishna is the real object of our love, so we must learn to awaken our original feelings for Him, so that we can find the eternal bliss inherent in our nature. Indeed, whoever loves Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, also naturally and simultaneously loves all living beings, all celestial beings, all human beings without exception, all land and water animals, as well as all plants in their diversity.

We learned to love our parents, our brothers and sisters, our cousins at first, then we extended this affection to our friends, to the citizens of our country, and gradually, as it expands, to increase it by loving in the same way all the citizens of all nations, then the whole earth, including all animals and plants. But even at this stage, our need to love is not fulfilled. It will be fulfilled only when we know that the supreme object of our love is Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and that we must direct our affection towards Him. This is the essence of God consciousness or Krishna consciousness.

Like the gopis, we too love Krishna, God, the Supreme, Infinite and Absolute Divine Person, in the same way, for the Lord deserves all our affection. We must direct our feelings, our love exclusively towards Him, and let us also be animated by the ardent desire to make Him happy.

In truth, the highest blessing that a human being can attain is to obtain the grace of the Lord, the love of God.

To develop one's love for God is the highest perfection of existence, and God-consciousness is the highest blessing that can be bestowed upon humanity.




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