Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 488 of 624

celestial being, sometimes of a human being, an animal or a plant, always according to his material desires. And each time, he believes himself to be master of his destiny, a destiny in fact imposed by material nature. The process of the attribution of the various bodies results from the contact with the various gunas.

This is why one must rise beyond these material influences, and reach the spiritual level. This is what is called Krishna consciousness. Unless we are aware of Krishna, we are forced, by material consciousness, to move from one body to another, for we have piled up material desires for endless time. We therefore need to change our point of view, and this change can only occur if we pay attention to the words and the teaching coming from God, even from a spiritual master, authentic servant of the Lord.

In truth, in proportion to the knowledge acquired through contact with the Supreme Lord, the being tastes his existence in eternal bliss.

The Lord says: Whoever, to the hour of death leaves his body thinking of Me alone, immediately attains My kingdom, do not doubt it.

The service of love and devotion offered to the Lord is the level of perfection called Highest Liberation.

Only Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, grants true liberation. He alone is the protector of all beings, and He alone grants liberation to all souls conditioned by matter and the energy of illusion.

In truth, liberation consists in finding our natural and original position, the one that allows us to serve the Lord. We are all Eternal Servants and Eternal Servants of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. This is our one and only eternal duty.

When the being detaches himself from all material attraction to be absorbed in the service of love and devotion offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, this state is called immutability.

Liberation is also breaking the chains that hold us prisoners of this material world, in order to return to the eternal kingdom of God. This is why Krishna is called He who can offer liberation.

The service of the Lord is that level of perfection which we call The highest liberation.

The simple knowledge of liberation remains material, for true liberation consists in the lived liberation of the chains of matter. And the perfection of liberation consists in attaining the spiritual and absolute service offered to Lord Krishna, a service which is itself developed in knowledge and renunciation. Perfect knowledge allows access to the level of sublime service offered to God.




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