Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 458 of 624

Foods that are too bitter, sour, salty, pungent, dry or hot, are loved by those dominated by passion. They engender suffering, misfortune and disease.

And dear to men enveloped by ignorance, food cooked more than three hours before being consumed. Foods deprived of taste, freshness, smelly, decomposed or unclean, even leftovers.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person cannot be seen by everyone

Truly, it is by his power internal that Krishna remains veiled, and cannot be seen by everyone. Only the soul to whom He reveals Himself can see him and thus contemplate his magnificent form. Only the soul submitted to God can truly know the Absolute Truth.

The secret of secrets is that which consists in surrendering oneself to Krishna, and serving him with love and devotion. For spiritualists constantly engaged in Krishna consciousness, in devotional service to the Lord, their spiritual eyes open, and Krishna reveals himself to them.

Such revelation is not even accessible to heavenly beings, to the inhabitants of the paradisiacal planets, who find it difficult to know Krishna. The most evolved among them still aspire to see Him in his sublime, original, personal form, the most beautiful of all, his two-armed form, all of knowledge, bliss and eternity.

It is extremely difficult to seeing the universal form of Krishna, a favor which is not given to everyone, but even greater is the difficulty one experiences in knowing his personal two-armed form.

Happy are those who respect and apply the regulatory principles, who remain faithful to spiritual vegetarianism and who do not eat meat, fish and eggs, for they are without sin, and walk on the pure path. Let them surrender themselves to Krishna, serve him with love and devotion, and hum the song of the Holy Names of Krishna, and the Lord will reveal himself to them.

Lord Krishna says: It is that by serving Me with undivided love and devotion that one can know Me as I am, and so in truth, see Me. Thus, and only thus, can the mystery of My Person be unraveled.

In truth, it is to serve Krishna, God, the Supreme Person that the living being was created.

The living being, the soul embodied in a human, animal and plant body, actually belongs to the internal energy of Lord Krishna and is therefore also identical and of the same nature, but never it does not equal or surpass it.

God and other spiritual beings all have their own individuality. Spirit beings distinct from God may also, with the aid of material energy, exercise some creative power, but none of their creations will equal or surpass those of the Supreme Lord.




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