Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 448 of 624

eternal, happiness total and uninterrupted, and where there is no suffering. The suffering of this material world aims to make us aware that happiness does not exist in this world, because it is a universe of suffering, and that we must imperatively seek God, turn to Him who, alone, can offer true happiness to whoever wants it, in his realm of knowledge, bliss and eternity. Let us know that Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the ultimate goal of existence.

This is the ignorance of data relating to God, to his divine word, to his sublime teaching, and to real existence, which prevents human beings from understanding everything relating to the truth, and from acting correctly.

Ignorance is at the origin of misguidance, blindness, perdition, violence, aggressiveness, criminality, materialism, the attraction to the fleeting pleasure of the senses, and the atheism of all living beings.

Let us all observe God's directives scrupulously, put them into practice, and do not harm anyone, any human being, any terrestrial or aquatic animal, or any plant.

Covid-19 is a warning that God gives to all mankind, by which He asks human beings to stop aborting, to make land and aquatic animals suffer in the various breeding grounds, to stop slaughtering animals in the various centers of death, to close slaughterhouses, fish, aquaculture, oyster and mussel aquaculture ponds, industrial and artisanal fisheries, fishmongers, butchers, to immediately stop the massacre of aquatic beings in the open sea, all species included, caused by trawlers of various barrels and other floating factories, which devastate everything, and prohibit individual fishermen from fishing at sea, as well as artisanal and individual fishing in rivers and streams.

In truth, all living beings, humans, animals and plants, as spirit beings embodied in these different material bodies, originate from the same Divine source, God. They all belong to the marginal energy of the Lord.

This is why we must learn to see all the beings around us as so many spiritual souls, fragments and tiny parts of the Supreme Lord, embodied in different bodies.

The virtuous being must offer his respects to all being united to the Lord by a personal relationship. Because originally all beings have a loving relationship with the Lord, as tiny fragments of his Person we must strive to see them all as equal, on the spiritual plane.

In truth, the wise scholar sees the virtuous and the outcast with the same eye, as well as the pig, the dog, the cow or the blade of grass. His eyes do not stop at the material body, which is only the outer shell of the soul. He does not see the garment (the body) of the sage, that of the human being, the cow, the pig or the blade of grass, he directly sees the spiritual soul, which is an integral part of the Supreme Lord.




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