Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 394 of 624

assured for the holy being who ceaselessly serves the Lord in good spirits, without committing offenses. By fixing our attention on Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in a sustained manner, we purify ourselves until we are delivered from material existence.

Logos 429

Goto table of logos

Perfect peace is only obtained through complete development of the consciousness of God.

Souls embodied and conditioned by matter, trapped in the clutches of illusory energy, all ardently desire to find peace in this world, but ignore the conditions required to obtain it.

In truth, the secret lies in the knowledge of God as being the beneficiary of all the efforts of the human being.

The human being must sacrifice everything in the absolute service of the Supreme Lord, for all the galaxies, the planets which compose them and their inhabitants belong to Him. No one equals or surpasses him, He is the Unique without a second. The Lord reigns over material nature, and all conditioned souls are subject to the yoke and rigor of the laws of material nature.

Unless you know these fundamental truths, there is no peace in this world, individually or collectively. Perfect peace can only be obtained through the full development of the consciousness of God.

To be aware of God means first of all to realize that Krishna is indeed God, the Supreme Person, the Lord, the Absolute Master of all that Is, and that all individual beings distinct from his Divine Person, including the powerful celestial beings, are subordinate to Him. The God-conscious being acts in full knowledge of his relation to the Lord, and the perfection of this science consists in knowing perfectly God, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Person, as He really is, as well as his glories.

The pure soul, as an integral part and tiny fragment of God, remains his eternal servant. But as soon as it wishes to dominate maya, the illusory material nature, it is seized by the latter and falls prey to many sufferings.

As long as the soul remains in contact with matter, it must act according to its material needs. We can, however, even in the heart of matter, awaken our spiritual consciousness and regain pure existence. It suffices for that to practice the conscience of God. The more we progress in this direction, the more we free ourselves from the clutches of matter. The Lord is impartial, everything depends on the efforts that one shows in the accomplishment of his duty in order to control his senses, and to overcome the ascendency of lust and anger.




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