Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 381 of 624

The holy being, devotee of God, does not have this duty, because he is given to him by the only grace of his devotional acts towards Lord Krishna, to free thousands of ancestors.

Those who, by their irresponsible acts, break the tradition of the lineage, these cause the abandonment of the principles thanks to which prosperity and harmony reign within the family and the nation.

The principles which, in the natural organization of the society established in social classes, govern the family and the society, are intended to enable human beings to achieve ultimate salvation. When irresponsible heads of state break these traditions, the resulting confusion causes society to forget that the goal of all existence is Visnu, Krishna. Those who follow these blind leaders are sure to end in chaos.

Those who destroy family traditions live in hell forever

Even if some temporary problem may hinder the observance of the tenets of eternal religion, these the latter can be reapplied at any time. To conform to the institution of the natural organization of society established in social classes and spiritual divisions, has the effect of gradually raising us to the spiritual level and delivering us from material slavery.

By observing the principles of eternal religion we have the opportunity to come into contact with devotees of Krishna, which has the effect of gradually awakening our propensity, now asleep, to serve Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and to free us from all that is the basis of a life of sin. One then has the possibility of offering a service of pure love and devotion to Krishna.

Each human being, according to his past acts, his skills and his spiritual elevation, belongs to a given social group, and he must fulfill the duties inherent in this social class, while respecting and working in harmony with members of other social groups.

The activities specific to the four social classes; the wise scholars and spiritual guides of the society, the administrators, the military and protectors of the society, the farmers and traders, and the workers, and to the four spiritual divisions; the first stage, period of celibacy and study of the sacred texts under the tutelage of a spiritual master, the second stage of spiritual life, period of social and family life in accordance with the holy scriptures, the third stage of life spiritual, period of pilgrimage to various sacred places, to detach from family and social life, and thus prepare for renunciation, and the fourth stage of spiritual life, total renunciation of all family and social life in order to fully master the senses and the mind, and to engage fully in the service of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is the best way to achieve the ultimate goal of life, when dedicated to God.

Whoever fulfills the duties inherent in the four social classes and the four spiritual divisions, must offer the fruit of all his deeds and duties to the Lord. This is the perfection of existence.




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