Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 374 of 624

from the reign of birth and death. Then comes for her spiritual freedom, which is the definitive liberation of any material body.

May the Lord create a single galaxy, and here is an act which is marvelous, inconceivable. Such galaxies exist in infinite numbers and all of them constitute what is called material creation. But the latter in turn represents only a fraction of the entire creation. Indeed, the material cosmos represents only a part, that is to say the quart of the totality of the energies of the Lord. The spiritual world, which is in truth the true eternal world, constitutes the other three quarts of the unique reality. Each of the innumerable planets of the galaxy has its own atmosphere and depending on the quality of this atmosphere, a specific body is given to the souls who must incarnate therein. The beings there enjoy a proportional scientific and psychological evolution, some even exceeding that of man. Let us understand, for example, that organisms adapted to the earth's atmosphere cannot survive on other planets.

The Lord manifests the diversions related to his internal energy in Vrindavana, but when He indulges in the creative work of l external energy, which transforms into material energy and then into material nature, He does so through the forms of Karanarnavasayi Visnu, Garbhodakasayi Visnu and Ksirodakasayi Visnu.

Material energy is transformed under the impulse of the power of gaze of the Lord.

The darkness of the false ego (the force which pushes the incarnate being to identify with his body and to want to dominate the matter) engenders the ether, the first of the five elements, and the sound represents its subtle form. Sound is to the ether what the object of vision is to him who sees. The five elements, namely ether, air, fire, water and earth are so many manifestations from the shadows of the false ego. Which amounts to saying that the false ego, in the aggregate of material nature, is born from the marginal energy of the Lord and that from this false ego which wants to dominate the material creation come the elements necessary for illusory pleasure. living beings. These latter practically rule over the material elements as masters and beneficiaries although the Supreme Lord dominates them all. To tell the truth, no one other than the Lord can be called a beneficiary, but in their delusion the distinct beings aspire to take on this role themselves. Thus is born the false ego. With these aspirations of the deluded beings are also born, by the will of the Lord, the deceptive elements which they will be able to covet greedily, but in vain.

The sound is first created, then comes the manifestation of the ether. Sound is the subtle form of the ether, from which it is distinguished just as the observer of a given object is distinguished from the object itself. Indeed, sound is the representation of the real object, and the sound produced by describing this same object gives a precise idea. So the sound characterizes an object in a subtle way. Likewise, the sound manifestation of the Lord, such as that which describes his characteristic features, is equivalent to the very form of the Lord. Nothing distinguishes the Lord from his sound manifestation because both are absolute. Lord Chaitanya taught us




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