Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 363 of 624

The supreme gain in life is devotional service to Me, and real education cancels out the false perception of duality in the soul.

True modesty must be disgusted with inappropriate activities, and beauty must possess good qualities such as detachment

True happiness is to transcend material happiness, and unhappiness and true misery must be involved in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.

A wise man is one who knows the process of liberation from bondage, and a fool is one who identifies with his material body and mind.

The true path in life is the one that leads to Me, and the wrong path is the satisfaction of the senses by which the conscience is confused.

The real heaven is the predominance of pure virtue, while hell is the predominance of ignorance.

I am everyone's true Friend, acting as Spiritual Master of the whole universe, and his home is the human body.

He who is enriched with good qualities is in fact rich, and he who is not is not satisfied in life is in fact poor.

A miserable person is a person who cannot control his senses, while a person who is not attached to the satisfaction of the senses is a real controller [who masters his senses and his mind].

He who attaches himself to feeling satisfaction is the opposite, a slave.

So, I have clarified all the questions you have inquired about. It is not necessary to have a more elaborate description of these good and bad qualities, because constantly seeing good and bad is in itself a bad quality. The best quality is to transcend material good and evil.

Concerning true religious principles, the Lord says:

Firm faith in the accounts of My entertainments, constantly chanting My glories, steadfastly clinging to ceremonial worship to My Person, to praise Me through beautiful hymns, to have great respect for My devotional service, to offer Me whole body obedience, to perform first class worship from My faithful devotees, awareness of My Person achieved by all living entities, offering ordinary bodily activities in My devotional service, using words to describe My qualities, offering yourself to Me, rejecting all material desires, giving up wealth for My devotional service, renounce material gratification and happiness, and perform all desirable activities such as charity, sacrifice, song, vows, and austerities for the purpose of Reaching Me are true religious principles through which human beings who have actually surrendered to Me automatically develop out of love for Me.




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