Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 33 of 624

Him and serve Him with love and devotion. This is our true mission, and the perfection of existence.

We must wake up, for we are asleep and immersed in the unconsciousness of the real world, of real life, of God, and of our true identity. We are all in this material world under the influence of material energy, which plunges us into illusion and thus keeps us in ignorance of God, and of absolute and existential truth.

We have forgotten God, the link that unites us to Him, who we really are, and how to get out of this illusory world where we must undergo the wheel of time, rebirths or reincarnations and repeated deaths, and in each life, know these four sufferings: birth, sickness, old age and death.

We have forgotten God, as well as the service of love and devotion that we must offer to Him. This is why we are lost in this world of the deaths and successive reincarnations, where suffering is permanent.

God comes regularly to this material world in order to tear us away from this miserable condition, because He wants us to be happy. He is our true Friend. He gave us the remedy for the illusion we are suffering from, take it and sing:

Haré Krishna, hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, hare haré / Haré Rama, hare Rama, Rama Rama, hare hare.

This song in Sanskrit has the power to remove all our sins, to get us out of illusion, and to bring us closer to God.

In truth, our life force and our actions are asleep. As long as the embodied spiritual being has not reached the spiritual level, the various parts of his body, his thought and the other functions of his organism are considerably asleep. If man has not reached the spiritual level, everything he does is equivalent to the activities of a dead man or a ghost.

Under the influence of material energy, beings embodied and conditioned by matter and the energy of illusion become entangled in a thousand difficulties for the sole purpose of tasting a derisory material happiness, which they ignore ephemeral. They engage in the action concerned without knowing the implications, effects and consequences that will result from it. Animated by the mistaken sense of being the material body in which they reside, conditioned beings foolishly surround themselves with countless attachments, all of them illusory. They believe that they can live perpetually in this material environment. This gross mistake exercises such a hold over them that they suffer continually, life after life, prisoners of the external energy of the Lord, in his aspect of energy of illusion, who thus seeks to force beings to turn to the Supreme Lord, so that they end up obeying Him and doing His divine will.




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