Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 28 of 624

animals and plants they also see only the spiritual soul which is there, and neither do they differentiate between a man, a woman, a dog, a cat, an elephant, an ant, a tree or a blade of grass, they all love them equally. Through the material envelope, they see only the embodied spiritual entity that resides there.

That is what truly loving one's neighbor is. This is why God has commanded for millennia not to eat meat, fish and eggs, to protect all land and water animals, and not to destroy plants.

Verily, we are all servants and eternal servants of God.

We have wanted to be in the place of God, therefore the Lord sent us into the material world, that we might imitate him.

Let us understand that all those who are envious of the Lord and who contest his position as Supreme Beneficiary of all that is, of all the fruits of deeds and of all sacrifices, can in no case remain in the spiritual world for a given period. When this happens, the living being is immediately fallen from the spiritual world, because the envy of the Lord does not exist there.

So when a being envies the Lord, he automatically becomes his competitor and develops in him the desire to enjoy what belongs to Krishna, the Supreme and Sovereign person. It doesn't have to be.

As soon as the incarnate spiritual being becomes aware of his true condition and position, that of being the eternal servant of God, he frees himself from all suffering and all material difficulties.

The beginning of the true existence begins and coincides with the surrender of the holy spiritual entity of his being to the Supreme and Absolute Person, God, in full awareness of the fact that he is only qualitatively One with the Absolute, but at the same time, that she occupies in relation to Him, eternally, the position of servant of God.

At the material level, the individual being and distinct from God mistakenly believes himself to be the lord and master of all that surrounds him, and he must thus undergo the repeated attacks of the three forms of suffering: that caused by our body and our mind, that caused by other living entities and that caused by natural powers, against which we remain powerless.

But as soon as he becomes aware of his true condition, that of a servant before the Absolute, he frees himself from all sufferings. As long as the being strives to master material nature, he has no chance of becoming the servant of the Supreme Being, for the service offered to the Lord must be done in pure awareness of our spiritual identity or spiritual soul. And as soon as he thus serves the Lord, the Supreme Eternal, he frees himself from all material difficulties, and renews the bond which unites him to God.




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