Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 276 of 624

Krishna, in its real, primordial, personal two-armed form. For spiritualists constantly engaged in Krishna consciousness, in the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord, their spiritual eyes are opened and Krishna is revealed to them. Such revelation is not even accessible to heavenly beings, who find it difficult to know Krishna. The more evolved among them still yearn to see him in his two-armed form. While it is extremely difficult to see the universal form of Krishna, a favor which is not granted to everyone, but even greater is the difficulty that one experiences in knowing his personal form, that with two arms than alone submissive souls, who have surrendered themselves to Krishna and serve him with love and devotion, can see permanently and for eternity in his kingdom.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna specifies: This Form that you see with your spiritual eyes, neither the simple study of the Vedas (the original holy scriptures), nor the severe asceticisms, nor the charitable acts nor ritual adoration allow us to know it. No one through these paths will see Me as I am.

Before his parents, Vasudeva and Devaki, Krishna appeared first in a four-armed form, then in his two-armed form. This is, for atheists or unbelievers, a very difficult mystery to unravel. Scholars who have been content to study the Vedas through speculation, or for the sake of academic knowledge, indeed have very limited access to understanding Krishna. And those who limit themselves to officially worshiping him, by a simple formal visit to the place of worship, cannot understand the true nature of Krishna either. Only devotional service enables one to know the Lord in all his truth.

Lord Krishna adds: It is only by serving Me with undivided love and devotion that one can know Me as I am, and likewise, verily, to see Me. Thus, and only thus, will one be able to unravel the mystery of My Person.

The only way to know, to understand, and to see Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is to serve him with undivided love and devotion. This is what the Lord explains very clearly here, in order to show unqualified commentators, who seek to penetrate the meaning of the Bhagavad-gita (Words of Krishna, Christ, God, the Supreme Person) by intellectual speculation, that their efforts are in vain. It is clearly stated here that not everyone can see Krishna, let alone the impersonalists who deny that He has any form, or understand how He is born from parents, in a four-armed form, immediately transformed by Him into a two-armed form. However, there are many ways that those who are versed in the study of the revealed writings will come to know him. There are, in these authentic Writings, many rules, many regulatory principles by which to direct his austerities, for one who truly desires to know Krishna. As for charitable acts, they should naturally be directed to the devotees of Krishna, who are fully engaged in devotional service, and thereby contribute to the spread of Krishna's philosophy, of Krishna consciousness throughout the world. This Krishna consciousness is a blessing for all mankind. He is the charitable Being par excellence, the One whose spirit of charity shines with the most brilliance, because




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