Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 245 of 624

When the individual being distinct from God is conditioned by material contingencies, it is qualifies as materialist, and when he frees himself from all contingency, when he becomes fully aware of God, absorbed in devotional service, he is said to be liberated. But unless you are fortunate enough to meet an authentic spiritual master by the grace of the Lord, it is impossible to break free from the cycle of deaths and rebirths within the different living species and on the different planets of the universe.

Logos 304

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All living beings, humans, animals and plants originate from the same Divine source, God.

This is why we must learn to see all the beings around us as so many of spiritual sparks or spiritual souls, tiny parts of the Supreme Lord, embodied in different bodies. The saint should pay his respects to everyone united to the Lord in a personal relationship. Because originally all beings have a relationship with the Lord, as fragments of his Person, we must strive to see them all equally, spiritually.

In truth, the learned see with the same eye the learned sage and the outcast, as well as the pig, the dog, the cow or the blade of grass. His eyes do not stop at the body, which is only an outer envelope; he does not see the garment of the sage, that of the cow, the pig or the blade of grass, he directly perceives the spiritual soul, which is an integral part of the Supreme Lord. There are bodily differences between the various varieties of living beings, but the saint should not distinguish between beings on this basis; he must acquire a vision that the individual soul and the Supreme Soul are both equally present in every body and in all species. This is why we must love one another, befriend each other, and understand that we have no enemies.

God said: Through the burning fire of death I stir up a formidable fear in anyone who draws the slightest distinction between himself and other beings because of external differences (bodily or skin color).

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The natural instincts of woman or woman man only appear when they have a bodily conception of existence. Whether one is male or female, when one reaches a certain level of spiritual consciousness, the bodily conception of existence vanishes, so to speak, completely.

We should see all souls embodied in male or female bodies, as being spiritual entities, whose sole duty is to satisfy God. So the influence of the different attributes of




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