Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 217 of 624

Instead of serving his own best interests, he will act in the opposite way, leading to his own downfall.

Logos 255

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God cannot manifest in a heart where there is pain or anger. The one who does not cause anguish or trouble for any living being, who adopts towards all the benevolent attitude of a father for his children, and whose heart is pure, the Lord quickly made him. fill with his grace.

The true wisdom, obtained after many existences, is that which is acquired by the one who surrenders to the Eternal Supreme, in full knowledge of what He is the origin of all that IS and the cause of all causes. This is how we remain attached to God and gradually develop our love for Him. A being endowed with such wisdom is therefore particularly dear to God, but we must not less consider as magnanimous those who, afflicted by misfortune or famine, seek refuge in God in order to obtain satisfaction.

The Eternal Supreme says: Established in spiritual realization, purified from all material stain, the realized soul rejoices in the supreme happiness which comes from constant union with the Absolute (God).

Realize its self spiritual is knowing one's original and eternal position in relation to God, knowing oneself to be a spiritual soul, an integral part of the Lord, and made to serve him with love and devotion. The constant spiritual union with the Absolute is the perfection of existence, which will continue into the kingdom of God where it will reach its peak and never cease.

Logos 256

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The Eternal Supreme says: “Of all things in this world, material as well as spiritual, know that I am the Origin and the End”.

All that exists is the product of the union of soul with matter. And it all relies on spiritual energy. The soul is not, as some would have it, a manifestation of matter at a certain stage of its evolution. Rather, it is matter which originates in spiritual energy, from which the entire universe is manifested. Thus, when the material body develops, passing from childhood to maturity, then to old age, it is because a higher force animates it, and this vital energy is the soul. Likewise, on another scale, if the universe exists and develops, it is through the presence of the Supreme Soul, God.




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