Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 194 of 624

bitten by a snake, in pain or in acute fever, or still being wounded by a weapon, he is immediately absolved, even if it is a sinner, and has not to know the sufferings of hell.

If someone somehow utters the Holy Name of the Lord at the time of having a fatal accident, he escapes an infernal existence after his death

Logos 215

Goto table of logos

You never wondered why some people die young or in the prime of life, Or why some are born with a physical disability?

In truth, all our thoughts, words and actions focused on evil in all its forms lead to effects with harmful and very painful consequences, which we already undergo in our current life, but especially in our next life for sure.

Those who die young, suffer in their turn the interruption of their existence, because in their previous life they took the life of a living being, human or animal. What they have done will be done to them in their next life in the same way. Those who have handicapped a person by cutting off a limb, will suffer the exact same thing in their next life, or will be born with a handicap or blindness. The suffering we endure today is the consequence of our sinful acts committed in our previous life. The purpose of suffering is to help us erase the faults committed.

All those who take the life of a human being, even an animal, will be severely punished by divine justice. They will have to suffer a lot in their next existence because of their criminal act and the same will be done to them, so that they will never do it again. So let us listen to God and never do evil, be it to a celestial being, a human being, an animal or a plant.

Logos 216

Goto table of logos

When we only eat vegetarian foods that we first offer to God, the latter are then purified, because accepted by the Lord. In this way, we free ourselves from our karma and we become immune to any material contamination.

It is forbidden to eat meat, fish, or eggs. To eat meat is to participate in the unnecessary slaughter of other living beings. It elicits bad karma reactions in this life or the next life. The laws of karma explain that whoever kills an animal for food will himself become a victim in his next life and will in turn be devoured. There is also some karma in taking plant life, but it is canceled out by the process of offering food to God, because the Lord says he accepts such vegetarian offerings. It is also necessary to give up exciting and toxic substances, including coffee, tea, alcohol and




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